One of the Venerables in my corner of the world is retiring. The word went out; her spot of the shopping carts is up for grabs. Now, mind you, I do not have a mind to retire myself, but it did put me in the frame of mind to think about retired folks. I see them, you see them. They walk in the malls, plan their days around their meals, drive big cars, make quick stops and turns use a lot of washroom facilities, make a point to know the names of kids and grandchildren.
They go out for coffee, read the obituaries, make a point to know the score last night, know which neighbor is scoring with which widow - or at least creating the illusion of scoring. They wash their cars, when they work they do so when they want to work. They go to town meetings and actually read the local weekly rag.
I look over the above litany and make note that those items are NOT retirement...that "is" Real Estate Agents. I begin to wonder...who retires from Real Estate? It IS retirement. What other gainful employment has so much chock full kibitzing and noshing and just all around social buitterflying. Maybe being a Mayor, but there is only one per city of those, so the waiting list is too long. I would stick to the Real Estate and not wait for the mayor spot...afterall after retirement comes the final real estate deal, and I CAN wait on that.