Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Style Boston

Not long ago, a social print outlet in this part of the world published its "25 Most Stylish" People list. Not one to take a particular interest in the delicacies of lingerie or, for that matter, jockey shorts, I took little note of the event, until, buy third party, it came to me that an associate of mine IS on the list.

I called said associate to discuss the issue: "How," I asked,"could you be on such a list. I mean, look at yourself, you look like; you look like Bozo without hair orange dye -- a fat Bozo, a Woodstock reunion of Bozo; and you have a pot belly, and, for crying out loud, that tie is a throw out from TJ MAXX!"

"Sour grapes," he replied.

"Nonsense," I said, "I'd never make a list like that. It's not on my radar..."

"It should be," he retorted, "You almost did make it. They let me see the 'competition'. You were in the top 50."

I was shocked. Now mind you, I do not exactly buy my clothes at K Mart, but that's only because they closed the joint down on Western Avenue. I am a Target man now. So how is this possible?

My associate explained: "Style is not what you wear. It is who you are and what you are and have been. It is what you say, how you say it and what people think you will say. It is not about selling or telling someone to buy something. It is about the statement. YOU were seen speaking before a group of stuff shirts, about the time of the Mortgage meltdown. You were making a case for a way out of the mess. You brought the guys to tears -- sort of... What you said, and how you said it, did the trick."

So there you have it. Me in my Modells jeans and button down from Target, an arbiter of style. Ain't that a kick in the pants...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh Bumma

Personally I would have preferred John Edwards. What with the dark ages before us, it would have been fun to have had a little levity in the White House -- you know, John Edwards being a, well, a John. The whole "first lady of the night" thing going with that "grrl" friend of his. Failing that, I thought Clinton would have been fun -- Bill in an apron whipping up a batch of cookies while madam President serves up the social welfare.

McCain would have been nice, but not for himself. With the election results this morn, a whole industry was wiped out. How many "Nailin' Palin" movies would have made it direct to (Adult) video had the election turned? The morons in Hollywood (the less fashionable sections) missed an opportunity here.

I guess we are stuck with these folks in the White House and there is nothing funny here.

One wonders how the bostonmamas site is doing. You will remember that bostonmamas was once a porn site for "women of color". Perhaps searchers have gone there for a look-a-like for Mrs. Obama. Sad to say -- at this version of BM (not bowel movement here, bostonamas, but the same stuff is coming out), our searchers will find naught but housewives of the fat lazy constitution telling other housewives of the same constitution how to waste the husband's money without lifting a finger -- USE PEAPOD GIRLS -- WHY STRETCH OUT THE GIRDLE WALKING THE AISLES..., YOU CAN GET THE LEFT OVER SHELF LIFE CRAP DELIVERED RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR AND NOT MISS A BLOG OR SOAP OPERA BEAT.

After all, hubby does not need the money -- there won't be any "Nailin' Palin" videos to buy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Elect

On the voting line to throw my voice early this morning; the bloke behind me had his daughter and was explaining to her the process unfolding:

"Well," he said, "today everybody will vote for President, well sort of, I mean not exactly but somehow somebody is getting a vote."

"Why is it so crowded?" the girls asked.

"Well, these people are coming early because they have to go off to work and..."

"Who will be here later?"

"I guess," he thought for a moment, "I guess, old people, students and people without jobs who have no place to know, like well, like, Auntie Claire, who's a Real Estate Broker. She can vote later...she's got nothing to do."

Well, there you have it folks. In this the dark times, we have an "on the street" opinion of Real Estate Brokers -- homeless souls with naught place to go, no job, no life.

Maybe Aunt Claire is one of those 30 percenters who have cashed in their chips, and cashed out of the business rather than face the hard work.

As for me, I am here before anyone else hits the office. I've voted and I am ready to do business.

GIve me a call.