Beauty is in the Eyes of the ... Pot Holder (Not What You're Thinkin'!)
Beautiful home. But it was the kitchen that did it. The walls covered with exquisite examples of the implements of crockery down through the ages.
"I decorated it all myself," the owner exudes, "Used things from my collection. This one is an iron pot from the Mybasa tribe,...oh this one -- a fragment -- found in a dig in the Chesapeake Bay: at first we thought it was Delaware Indian, but it might well be Pre-Clovis. We are going to get a mold replica made, then we'll send the original to the Smithsonian.
"OHOHOH, this one! Used to boil an egg for President McKinley. And this stained glass -- purchased in Rome. We had to do some touch up painting. It does cut out the bright sunlight, but just look at the subdued dark and the flashes of color!"
Great, I tell her and we move on to see the rest of the home. It is a good home; shows well and is pleasing to the eye, what with all the cooking regalia tacked to the walls.
So it is that on the same day, by pure coincidence, the following appears in the local rag, the Belmont Citizen Herald .
"POLICE LOG Wednesday, April 15 -- An employee of the Belmont Housing Authority reported the they [sic] were concerned about a Trapelo Road resident's mental wellbeing [sic] after finding that the resident had painted over all the glass panes in the apartment's windows, and glued pots and pans to the walls. The resident was involuntarily committed to Cambridge City Hospital."
As we noted. "Beauty is in the Eyes of the Pot Holder".