Saturday, November 10, 2007

"Wheel" Estate

This from a young agent:

"I set up a little tour -- mom, dad, kid and off we go.

"Before we get to the first house, junior has to go potty, so I pull into a gas station, but..."

Here I interject, "But Mama does not want to sully the Little Prince by allowing him relief in a, shall we say a place below his station?"

Yes she replies.

"So I have to go the the CVS up the road. And it takes forever, and ever. But when they come out the kid is empty, but he mom is full. She went shopping. Takes out a pink little ditty and tells me, 'I love these razors, I can go 3 days without worrying about being sleeveless'. The kid has a gooey candy bar and he's got that -- I'm gonna rub this stuff on your seats -- grim about him.

"And, all the while, while they were in there consumer testing, the dad is in the car with me -- polka faced or dead, I cannot tell -- like one of those statues on Easter Island."

"Bad trip?" I say.

"Get's worse. About a minute after we get to the road, ol' stone face asks me to pull off. Wifey says, 'Oh honey, not again!!' and he says 'Just pull over right here'. I pull over right where he wants and he jumps out, goes into a dry cleaner. He comes out a few minutes later with ... you guessed it ... his shirts...and wifey chimes in, 'Not again, I told you a million times to use Lee's down the road" and he yells, 'But I like this place and they're my shirts and' blah blah blah...

"While all the while the kid is rubbing caramel onto my seats and I know, just know that they are not going to be buying any homes today...

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