Monday, January 28, 2008

The "Grass" is ever greener...

It is, whether I am representing a seller or a buyer, my firm belief that I present each property in its best light. Your know, the features to make it sell, or the features that will most likely work to the benefit of a buyer I represent.

Yesterday, in the snow, and the rain and the slush, I escort my buyer to a home of rather little charm.

Not ready for showing, clothes strewn about, cereal in the sink -- 2 bedrooms that are not up to code (I supposed one could sleep in a garage and call it a bedroom). I surely had nothing to say, yet the buyer persisted in the tour and went upstairs to said non code bedrooms. As we entered the one on the left, the eyes of the buyer met mine -- both our noses twitched and, "Wow, said the buyer, "Bill Clinton must have slept here."

"Or," I replied, "at least he did NOT inhale here!"

"Good stuff," my buyer editorialized, "I wonder where the kid hides it."

We made no attempt to find the, uhh, shall we say "potpourri". Rather we exited the home and went our way. There are better homes in the town, you know...the greener grass thing -- especially because in this house, the grass gets smoked.

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