Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ooops...I did it again... (actually they did it)

Can you believe it, "shoppers"? One day left and the first quarter of this new decade is over...

Now, I know there's a bit of time left, but we may well jump the gun and begin to take a look at the slices and dices of how the "recovery" is coming along. Starting with that spendthrift Cambridge wannabe town of Belmont, we see 15 single family deals closed in the quarter...a big jump from the 11 of last year (must be that 8 grand tax gig, eh???). But whoa, what looms on the rear horizon, Kimmosabi? It ain't Uncas or the Last of the Mohicans...it is none other than the first quarter of 2008 -- wherein 29 RE attorney's got paid to write up 29 deeds. Whoa, Silver, we are being told that the LAST 2 years TOGETHER have not gotten up to where they can scratch the butt of 2008. IS that what we are being told??? Yup that is it.

I think this explains the scared stiff smile of the housewife house hucksters -- the ones who do one deal a year. They'll be down to zero at this rate (can you do a half a deal??? why not -- that's a condo, ain't it?).

Keep zooming back, my faithful companions. We will begin our town by town reviews...but WAIT, there's more...

...I will be at the House of Blues, sitting quietly for a change, but a couple of venues have asked me to return to the stand-up mike -- and I shall be doing so shortly. Now ...there's no more (change the channel, please).


Anonymous said...

This is not good news for me...(the comedy, I mean). When you left the stage, I figured you were dead (remember that show in Cambridge?). Are you dead?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Mickey...I'm sure the ladies'll be happy to see you