Saturday, April 3, 2010

Is it a PUN? Belmont (and other thefts)

MY ditty from yesterday's papers (4/2/10), needs a tad of updating. For those who cannot remember yesterday, I will say that Vin Cedrone, whose folks own the chateau at 315 Crafts in Newton got bagged stealing expensive plaques from buildings and monuments. Pulled from sources is the quote below:

"In a statement, District Attorney Gerard T. Leone called the thefts “brazen,’’ saying Cedrone targeted public property in the three communities to sell. He estimated the damages to be in the tens of thousands of dollars."

The word "brazen" has taken on a meain inour vernacular of being tought, audacious -- sort of devil-may-care, damn-the-torpedoes sort of feel, yet there is more to the word. Here comes the fun.

The key to all this is the word "BRAZEN". The word stems from the Old English BRAESEN. It means, get this, B R A S S!. Yeah, brass as in metal... expensive metal, as in plaques on buildings! yeah, is it a pun? Is DA Leone exceedingly witty?...or most likely just a limited vocab kind of guy who hit it big today.

Anyway, it's wonderful. I hope the Perp ("brass balls" included) gets to hack his way through some metal bars soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you think your funny, but I think you should kill yourself!! "Brazen" that