Active Interests
It seems, from the time I came to New England (I am not native to these grey climes), folks have ever taken an overly active interest in my life. This has not has the best of impacts on me, and, in fact, has caused the loss of many things most dear to me.
So it is that with great trepidation that I responded to the following inquiry:
“Didn’t I see you at the Skating Club of Boston?”
Now seeing me there is no great achievement. I am a member of that old club. I am a regular visitor there, and can be seen there every Monday night throughout the year (yes, summer too) refereeing the Monday Night Learn to Skate Programs for the little ones. I also may be seen there on summer Saturdays coaching the hockey. On other occasions, I am there watching my investment scar the hard ice with cold steel. So I was watching when the inquiry targeting that investment brought out and scotched up my defensive “cockles”.
“ I saw you talking to Hanako. What do you know about her?”
Other than the fact that she is 7th grade age? Other than the fact that she costs me $2,000 A WEEK to keep in her training? Other than the fact that I DO believe she will be the next great figure skater to come out of these United States? Other than the fact that she has an outer “worldiness” decades beyond her pre-teen years, I know nothing about her.
So came the litany of familiar questions: how long has she been skating, howmanyhoursdoessheskate is shehomeschooled and blahblahblah and how did they find her for the HBO thing and the NBC thing and …
To all of it, I am, evasive – protective of my investment -- but I did answer 2 questions. Her name means little flower in some Asian flavor and she plays the violin, and yes, to ramble on, I bought her the violins from 1/8 size up to full.
What does this all have to do with Real Estate? Well, perhaps it is the REAL part. Life goes on for someone – a chance I never had, or perhaps a reflection of things taken away, and I am grateful she is allowing me to come along for the ride even if I must pay the very expensive million dollar ticket.