Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool

The guy calls me up and tells me he's thinking of selling his home. Wants to know what it is worth. So, "natch" I'm up for the listing and off I go to see the house. This was a few days ago. I take the run through, pull my numbers do my thing, and on Monday, yesterday, I jingle him to tell him I've got a number for him.

"Natch", he's not at home so I leave a message. "I have number for you," I say, give me a call. My number is 6 1 7 -...." and so on and so on.

Nothing that day. Today, on April Fools he calls.

"Ah," I say, "Glad you called, "I've got a number for you. I'd like to get together and discuss how it came about and share with you how I will maximize your..." blah, blah...blah...

And he says, "No need. I like the number, I think we should go with it. I'm surprised...I thought this was a dead market but wow..."

And I am thinking he's got the wrong agent on the line. So says I, "This is Al. over at..."

And he says, "I know I like your number..."

"But," I retort, "I have not given it to you, yet"

"Yes you did on the phone...It was 'six-one-seven'"

Knowing now that my land-line-correspondent is not playing with the full 52, I carefully tread. Delicate, Gentle as a summer wind. "That is my AREA CODE and phone number! Not the dollar number."

To wit, I forward to him the factoid of his home's value. He is crushed. He is deflated. He's decided to wait out the storm and see what next season will bring. In the meantime, I suggested to him he should call me in my Winchester office. My number there is 7-8-1... He can make a quick 160 grand!

1 comment:

Paul said...

Great post! This made me laugh harder than I've been able to all year so far! Thanks for the cheer-me-up!