Sunday, April 27, 2008

I Remember You -- Redux

Agents will do just about anything to get a listing, and I am pretty much the same. I will stop, however, at illegal activities, of course. So too, will I stop at owner supplied selling prices. I pick the price.

So it is that a request has come from an prospective lister that meets my criteria of "just about anything".

Here goes:

November 12, 1994. In the dark trunks, Junior Vasquez at 128 pounds. In the whites, with " C K " on the right hip, Mickey "the Lawman" Gutterman at 126 pounds.

It is the third round. At 2:52 I take a cross on the right eye brow that opens up a stream of blood. At 2:58 I take a hit in the left rib cage that makes breathing hard.
Between rounds, my trainer the staunches the blood flow and into the 4th I go. Breathing hurts, and my trainer tells me to circle to my left and lead with left uppercuts. This will keep my right eye "away" from Junior, but it will open my sore rib cage to his body shots. It is hoped my left elbow (in uppercut position) will offer some protection for my ribs.
I circle; he throws a right jab to my left eye and connects, but I uppercut underneath his punch and hit his chin.
He steps back, then comes up for another right jab, but I quickly step right and cross with a right. I hit him on the back of the ear and he falls forward. I go to a neutral corner, and he takes the count to 8.
He comes out and tries to right jab the body again, and this time I right cross him again and hit the cheekbone. He trips on his own foot but he is up before the count starts. He is hopping mad. He is bleeding from inside his mouth. I can tell because he is swallowing something.
He is up, I left cross him and he body shots me in my open rib cage. My breath seizes, but I have one chance to cross him and I hit his cheekbone, again. He goes flat down. I move to the neutral and the count begins, but at 5, I, too melt down, hanging on the rails. The ref is double counting, "Junior 6, Al 1, Junior 7, Al 2, Junior 8..." and I know I will not be getting up. I cannot breath. Junior is trying to move, to roll over and lift up to stop his count. It is a long three seconds. But he cannot do it. His count ends at 10. And my count stopped before 5.

There it is. And now for the one final piece -- real estate is my business. It is the business I will share with you. Why I wore " C K " on my trunks for those 51 fights, is also my business...and will remain my business. Now let's do an open house, shall we?

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