Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Obama for Real Estate Agent?

It is a good thing the up top listed political flak is running for President and not for the more lofty position of Agent. If he would to run for Agent, he would most likely lose his license for his most recent actions.

It seems the inexperienced poppin-jay has told prospective cash cows that they could win a chance to be on the podium when he accepts his nomination. Pony up $5.00 and you could be up their smelling the snake's Aqua Velva. It works, essentially, like any automatically entered contest that Pepsi, Coke, or Trojan condoms throws upon the consumer. Except in the world of Obama-rama (campaign laws) such giveaways are illegal. One cannot be given compensation for kindling any sort of a donation to a flak's campaign -- poor baby, he don' know that yet.

Real Estate agents know what can happen in their world if they do that. They be put outta this line of work. Call it what you like, but you cannot give out gift incentives to buy. Whatever cash or kind is transpiring, must be written into the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

Not so for the Presumptive two face and November Also ran (although the fake polls tell otherwise). Just imagine. If 5 bucks gets you on the podium, 10 bills should get you a chance at an ambassadorship to a "STAN" country (Afghanistan, Turkistan). 50 should pull down a scratch ticket to an "IA" (India, Bulgaria). A full grand should get you one of the cool countries where folks know how to use toilet bowls.

Me? I'll be the one and only vote Senator McCain gets from Massachusetts. I won't blow a grand on a chance at a cool ambassadorship...after all, I just remodeled my privy and have a new toilet.

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