Monday, December 1, 2008

American Indian Heritage Day

For those if us who did not notice, Friday -- as in the Friday after Thanksgiving has a official name signed by Proclamation of the President of the United States. While I call it American Indian Day, the government in a small slap in the face to the folks at the AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT (A.I.M.) the lobby group of said people who HATE, yes HATE (74% in the most recent poll) the term "Native American", have, nonetheless, called it Native American Heritage Day. You can look it up. It was signed into law about a month ago -- too late for any festivities, but it seems America celebrated appropriately nonetheless:

Take, for example, the killing of that poor soul working at Walmart. Trampled under an overwhelming hoard of folks, who, even after learning of the death, still went on a-shopping. That sounds about right to me: perfectly in tune with "American Indian Heritage".

Let's look about: The day is called, so the news folk tell us, "Black Friday". Bleak indeed at first look, yet in tune with the Indian experience. Ahhhh but take a closer look and you will see the real meaning of the name is more upbeat and commercial -- it is the day retailers "go into the black" for the year. As in, making money, or to get at bit of tie-in to the "new" holiday, "Theyum collectum lots of Wampum --- ugg, Kimmosabie".

When a day is set aside to celebrate and reflect on an ethic/ethnic cleansing situation, one should expect that day should be devoid of other focal points. Of all days to pick, one wonders why the BIGGEST shopping day of the year was plucked from the calendar to celebrate the American Indian.

Is it because it falls right after Thanksgiving and the tie-in was needed? Or was it because, like the American Indian Cultures, it was all meant to bury it under the weight of the dollar?

It is not worth asking. After all, "White Man Speak with fork tongue". So sayum Bigum Chiefum Broken Wind.

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