Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Claus is (Already) in Town

In these the dark ages (so the writers at the Boston Globe will have us believe) when we see all about us unsure and upended, it is nice to know Santa is around. If you kids are doubting, just take them tot eh corner of Albemarle and Ivaloo in Waltham. If Santa does not live there, then at least, one of his regional managers does. It s a sight to behold, both inside and out -- yes visitors are allowed in during the early evening to view the displays, and watch the movesment of trains elves, and assorted animals under the watchful eyes of folks who will swear up and down to children that they do NOT own the house, but are just there to make sure nothing breaks.

I've seen this place before -- I've been told that they start their setup in September and go at it until December.

Do not forget to drop of your wishlist for Santa. Just don't tell any auto or bank execs. They may ask for a few billion and Santa is on a limited budget this year

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