Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sittin' in the Nest Egg

It seems Americans are optimistic about their homes. According to Rasmussen at least. The pollster has put numbers out on his site that show, "Fifty-nine percent (59%) of American homeowners expect thier home to go up over the next five years". Delving deeper into the numbers, the report avers that 10% think thier homes value will go down. 21% think they'll be kissing their sister, as t he saying goes (in other words, getting nowehere. 10% don't know...

It is that 10% where we may well see the smartest home folk in the world. Afterall, who prices a house everyday? Walks home and checks the bid and the ask on the properties on the lining Main Street? Afterall, the homeonwer owns -- a home not a commodity. Anyone who bought the ranch with an eye on the capital gain and not the living room went about it all the wrong way. Best to have invested in stock certificates.

No the home is more than an investment. If it's value drops in dollars, it does not necassarilymean in drops nthe intrinsics of warmth, comradery, and memories developed behind its walls. A home is a place of well being and health, a place to go -- not a place to market...save that for the fishmongers.

No doubt Rasmussen will hatch and other survey in the next few days. You may wish to, after dinner, sit in the ol' easy chair and read before bedtime.

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