Wednesday, December 24, 2008

George Bail-OUT

So we all gush and weep over the plight of George Bailey of the Bailey Building and Loan. And are we so uplifted when the town folk pour their money at him to well, shall we say it, BAIL him out of a jam?

You see, folks, Mr. GB mismanaged the bank; threw the money at those ill prepared to repay it (Violet get a little slip of cash into her purse). The old man grouses that all you have to do is "Shoot Pool" with the Bailey boys and you get a loan. And then, of course, Bailey kin folk loses the money! Leaves it all on a counter. Gone Gone Gone.

What we have here is not a sentimental story, but one of malfeasance and shame; one of poor management and judgement and one of honest folks having to "pony up" to pay for it. We have a bailout.

Now how is that for Xmas cheer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Citi Bank is over 45 billion dollars and counting now, They were out of control and are holding us all hostage to give them money. Money should go to the Fannie and Freddie to buy new mortgage paper only.